**We are monitoring the weather and will make a call on Saturday on whether to cancel our Sunday services. We'll put further updates here and on our social media feeds.**


A Study and Discussion of the Deeper Life with Jesus

Read the following out loud as a group prior to beginning "Session 1" below:

This 12-session Abide Study and Discussion is designed to help Missional Communities explore what it looks like to go deeper in their discipleship with Jesus. In each session below you will find links to a discussion guide (digital and print links) as well as links to additional recommended resources.

The sessions are designed to be followed in order at whatever pace your MC chooses, and each discussion guide is self-explanatory. Simply read it out loud together. There is a "For Leaders" section below with further instructions if you are interested.

There are 3 "Community" sessions that will not include discussion guides. Instead, those sessions are designed for your MC to create intentional time to share life together with opportunities to apply what you are learning.

When your group is ready, start by going to the discussion guide in Session 1 below and follow the instructions. If you have any questions along the way, contact Chris Brister at chris@summitlimestone.org.

For MC Leaders
The following are some quick thoughts for MC Leaders:
  • You WILL need a TV or a screen to watch videos in the sessions.
  • You WON'T need to do any prep before hand, but you can if you want.
    • Each discussion guide is designed to be read out loud from beginning to end. The easiest way to do this is to simply have people take turns reading paragraph by paragraph.
  • You WILL need to decide if you want to use print or digital versions of the discussion guides.
    • Links to both can be found under each session below.
  • If you have any questions, concerns, or need help with anything, contact Chris Brister at chris@summitlimestone.org.

How to lead a session/use the discussion guides:
  • The Abide Study/Discussion is divided into 3 "Sections"
  • Each "Section" has 4 "Sessions" in it.
  • A session is designed to last 75-90 minutes.
  • We recommend using the digital guides, but you have a choice. You will need to decide if you want to print out copies of the study guides or just have your group use their devices (phones/ipads, etc.). There are digital and print links for each discussion guide below. 
  • Staff can print guides for you. If you would like the Summit Limestone staff to print out guides for your group, you will need to contact Chris and let him know at least one week ahead of when you plan to meet.
  • You will need a screen to watch videos. Most of the study guides will include a link to a short 10-12 minute video teaching for that session. You can use the direct link in the guide or all the videos can be found on the Summit Crossing Limestone YouTube channel under the “Abide” playlist. We recommend playing the video on a TV that has access to YouTube. If you need help figuring out a set-up, contact Chris.
  • The guides below for each session are designed to give you as much flexibility as you want.
    • You don't have to do any prework unless you want to. But each discussion guide is designed to be read out loud from beginning to end. The easiest way to do this is to simply have people take turns reading paragraph by paragraph.
    • You are welcome to go at whatever pace you want in a session, but each part has a recommended amount of time.

Cultivating an environment for open sharing.
  • The sessions are designed to maximize sharing and discussion. This is not a comprehensive study on passages like John 15. There will be a ton of recommended resources for further study along the way. Encourage your group to stick to the instructions for discussion during the sessions and if someone wants more study, refer them to the recommended resources. There will also be sessions in sections 2&3 that push people to be in the Bible more consistently as a spiritual practice.
  • Try to allow people to simply share without any need to comment on what they share. Don't give unsolicited advice or correction to anyone who shares unless they ask directly for it. Encourage the rest of the group to do the same. Instead, when a person is done sharing, thank them and ask if anyone else wants to share.
  • If someone shares something you feel you need to address, consider approaching them after the session and talking one-on-one with them.
  • Use your discernment on how quickly to move on to the next part of a session. If someone is sharing something important, don't be afraid to slow down. You don't need to be in a hurry on any of this. These discussion guides are simply meant to aid you in your leadership of the discussion.
  • Remember that Bible studies/discussions don't change people; God does. The Holy Spirit moves in us in all kinds of ways even if you can't see it at the moment. So trust the work of the Spirit in your group, and simply try your best to facilitate a safe space for your people.

Schedule and Pace
  • This is a 12-Session study/discussion. It is designed to be done in order but you don't have to meet every week. Go at the pace your feel is best for your group and talk to Chris if you need help putting together your plan for going through all 16 sessions.


SESSION 1 - "Abide in Me"

The Road and the Vineyard

Discussion Guide:
Phone/Device Link 
Print PDF Link

SESSION 2 - "Abide in Me"

Practicing the Abiding Life

Discussion Guide:
Phone/Device Link
Print PDF Link

SESSION 3 - Life Audit #1

Where Are You?

Discussion Guide: (Coming 2/25)
Phone/Device Link
Print PDF Link


Spend this session by scheduling an intentional time to hang out as a group with no agenda but to be together.


SESSION 5 - "Repent"

Digging Deep and Building Up

Discussion Guide: (Coming 2/27)​​
Phone/Device Link
Print PDF Link
SESSION 6 - "Repent"

Abiding Practices for Repentance

Discussion Guide: (Coming 2/27)
Phone/Device Link
Print PDF Link
SESSION 3 - Life Audit #2

Knowledge of God and Self

Discussion Guide: (Coming 2/27)
Phone/Device Link
Print PDF Link


Spend this session by scheduling an intentional time to hang out as a group with no agenda but to be together.


SESSION 9 - "Follow Me"

The Abiding Road

Discussion Guide: (Coming 3/6)​​
Phone/Device Link
Print PDF Link
SESSION 10 - "Follow Me"

Abiding Practices for the Road

Discussion Guide: (Coming 3/6)​​
Phone/Device Link
Print PDF Link
SESSION 11 - Life Audit #3

Your Rule for the Road Ahead

Discussion Guide: (Coming 3/6)​​
Phone/Device Link
Print PDF Link

Abiding in Community

Spend this session by scheduling an intentional time to hang out as a group with no agenda but to be together.