**We are monitoring the weather and will make a call on Saturday on whether to cancel our Sunday services. We'll put further updates here and on our social media feeds.**

What is the Gospel?

The gospel is the good news about God’s cosmic search-and-rescue mission to make undeserving people like us unimaginably happy in him forever.

The Bible says we’re all like Adam and Eve, disobeying God because we don’t trust him. We don’t believe that he loves us and wants what’s truly best for us, so we pursue happiness our own way without him. The reality is, there’s no greater betrayal than for a created person to reject their perfect creator and king. And a good judge can’t just let a mutiny like that slide.

But God wasn’t surprised by humanity’s sin, and his love for his people wasn’t about to quit. Before he even made the world, he’d devised a plan to set the guilty free without violating his own justice – a plan that was co-signed by his Son.

The gospel is about Jesus – God the eternal Son – trading places with us. While staying fully God, he became fully human so he could legitimately act as our representative before God the Father. He lived like we should’ve lived: always trusting, loving, and gladly honoring God. Then, he willingly died like we should’ve died: under God’s judgment for our sin. On the third day God raised him from the dead, because our sin debt was fully and forever paid.

Now Jesus offers irreversable forgiveness and total acceptance into God’s family to everyone who will put their trust in him. We don’t do a single thing to earn it or repay it – we just receive everything he’s done for us as a free gift of love.

The gospel of Jesus is Good News for Christians and non-Christians alike. It’s not only God’s power to forgive us and give us eternal life – it’s also how he sustains us, transforms us, and empowers us to live for his glory in the world. Instead of living for ourselves our own way, now we find our deepest happiness in knowing God and displaying and declaring his gospel to the world. Through Jesus, we get God himself, the infinitely satisfying treasure of our souls. And that changes everything – today and for the next trillion tomorrows.