**We are monitoring the weather and will make a call on Saturday on whether to cancel our Sunday services. We'll put further updates here and on our social media feeds.**

Deep Dive @ 5 Bible Study

When & Where?

Sundays, 5-6:30p starting September 15 @ Summit Limestone


Fall Study: The Sermon on the Mount
Join us this fall for a Sunday evening Bible study where we’ll dive deeper into the famous sermon Jesus preached on what life in the kingdom of God looks like.

We'll be using the book The Sermon on the Mount - A 12-Week Study by Drew Hunter. While we recommend the book, it's not required to attend the Bible study on Sunday evenings. The class is also designed so that you can start anytime, so there is no deadline for sign-ups.

We'll have copies of the book available for $10 or you can order one online.

Summit Kids Childcare will not be available.

For more info, or questions, contact Chris Brister, Director of Missional Communities and Equipping, at chris@summitlimestone.org.