**We are monitoring the weather and will make a call on Saturday on whether to cancel our Sunday services. We'll put further updates here and on our social media feeds.**

What is the Discover Membership lunch?

Are you interested in becoming a member of Summit Limestone? Our Discover Membership lunch and conversation is the first step.

We gather together immediately after the 10a worship service for lunch and discussion about all things membership at Summit Limestone. We provide lunch and childcare for you as you hear from leaders about our story, mission, and beliefs. You will also learn about missional community groups, ways to connect and serve, and next steps toward membership.

When is the next Discover Membership lunch?

Sunday, March 2nd from 11:30-1:30pm

Is childcare available?

Yes! Childcare and lunch is provided, but please register below.

How do I register?

Please register by clicking on the button below. You'll be taken to our event page where you can click on the "Register Now" button.